Got a Minute? The Mice and the Piano

Hi, friends in exile, got a minute?

Once upon a time a Master Craftsman created a beautiful upright piano, the crowning achievement of his life’s work. Over time, a family of mice came to live in the bottom of this beautiful upright piano. They spoke of the musical mystery that surrounded their lives. Generations acclaimed the Master Musician who played the Great Music. One day, one of the mice became curious. He found a way to climb up into the piano. He came back with a very somber look on his face. He said, “I have been up into the piano. I have discovered that there is no mystery at all. The music comes from small hammers tipped with felt that crash randomly against tight wires of different widths. As these various hammers bump into the wires, they produce the music we hear from time to time.” The whole family of mice was disheartened. Was there no mystery, after all? But the Master continued to play.

Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith we understand that the ages were created by God’s word …,” by the Master Craftsman over all things. We can still hear His music if we listen.

Smiley Mudd

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