Got a Minute? The Invitation

Hi, friends in exile, got a minute?

Imagine yourself working in your front yard when a young guy on a bicycle rides up. He looks a little scruffy with his shirt partly untucked and a baseball cap with visible smudges. He hands you a fancy envelope with a wax seal. He asks for your signature on an untidy clipboard. You open the envelope to find it is an invitation from the governor to join him for lunch the next day at noon at a nice restaurant. Would you go?

Now imagine this: you are working in the yard, and a luxury car drives up. The driver is dressed sharply. He hands you the same envelope, asks for your signature in a leather journal, and then drives away. Would you be more inclined to go?

The Apostle Paul wrote, “We do not preach ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants because of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:5, FJV). Our message is an invitation to life from God through Jesus Christ. Some of His messengers are a bit scruffy and some are better looking, but it is not about us; it is about Jesus.

Smiley Mudd

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