Got a Minute? “Wha’cha Preaching About?”

Hi, friends in exile, got a minute?

I am sometimes asked, “What are you preaching on this coming Sunday?” My usual ironic reply runs like this: “Oh, I think I will try something from the Bible.” Or, as I added to my cousin, when she asked once what I was preaching on for an upcoming message: “Well, God is good; sin is bad; Jesus saves! It’s right there in the Bible.”

My primary calling as the pastor of a local church is not to organize every project, nor even to attend every activity, or to “run the church” as the CEO. I am called to keep on “speaking the word of God” giving overall leadership to the work of ministry, to work with the Holy Spirit of God to tend the souls as a shepherd.

The book of Hebrews says, “Remember the ones who led us, which very ones spoke to us the word of God; while observing carefully the outcome of their way of life, keep on imitating their faith” (Hebrews 13:7, FJV). My calling is to speak the truth and to give an example of the life of faith. God help me.

Smiley Mudd

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